A Day That is Dead

The book was written by Reverend John Stirton as a memorial to Captain Archibald Macra Chisholm and his wife Frances Maria Chisholm (née Lynch) who in the latter part of their lives lived in Glassburn in Strathglass.
Archibald Macra Chisholm (1825-1897) was a captain in the 42nd Regiment, The Black Watch, and a distinguised soldier, sportsman, piper and some would say the model of a Highland Gentleman.
As well as a genealogical information, the book contains descriptions of various artefacts which were in the couple's possession including the Sheriffmuir Claymore now on display in the Town House in Inverness.
The first edition of the book in 1913 was followed by a an extended version in the second edition in 1939.

A digital image of the book can be found on the Chisholm Genealogies website here